Tapha Gaye

Tapha Gaye

Close by the sea in the Gran Medine neighbourhood of Dakar, Senegal, a young Moustapha Gaye discovers the guitar. Having learnt his first chords from his elder brother Tapha begins to explore, embarking on a musical path that is to become his life. Soaking up a wide range of musical influences from both home and abroad, Tapha gradually develops his own sound. After taking classes at the Conservatoire in the local Ecole des Arts he follows his own intuition and begins to frequent the homes of Dakar’s notable guitarists picking up tips and knowledge. 

Tapha starts performing in various groups and in due course is noticed. His first opportunity as a professional comes along when he joins the line-up of established singer Alioune Mbaye Nder. International tours and wider experiences boost Tapha’s confidence and he is increasingly called upon to record for different projects. Work with rapper Awadi follows and Tapha earns a place in the influential PBS (Positive Black Soul) touring extensively in Africa and beyond. Late in 2012 Tapha receives an unexpected call to perform with Youssou N’Dour, replacing the legendary guitarist Jimmy Mbaye at a concert in Northern Senegal. The show goes well and in 2013 Tapha is asked once more to perform at a key event in Paris, after which Youssou invites him to join his group.

Keen to widen his musical horizons, in 2014 Tapha moves to France where he now lives. He continues to perform with Youssou whilst also working on other projects and refining his musical identity. An intelligent and humble man, a unique guitarist with a majestic touch, Tapha seeks to find the magic and soul in the music: “My style is to keep it simple, understated, and maintain communion with the other musicians. I like the shadows, I don't impose, I look for the good energy we can share together”.


The Almighty Groove