Totó La Momposina went to Real World Studios in August 1991 to begin recording what would prove to be her most important album, now being re-released on Real World Records as ‘Tambolero’. In this never before seen footage from the original recording session, Totó delivers an outstanding live performance of El Pescador, surrounded by friends and guests. The soundtrack has been restored and remixed and features as a track on the new album.
Seckou Keita : En mars 2012, mon manager, John Hollis, m'appelle en urgence alors que j'étais à Rome pour un concert pour l'Onu. Il avait lancé un projet entre le Malien Toumani Diabaté et la Galloise Catrin Finch. À cause des événements au Mali, ça n'a pas pu se faire comme prévu. Je suis arrivé dans le studio de Catrin qui n'avait aucune connaissance de la musique africaine et dès le premier jour, nous avons travaillé six heures. Finalement, Toumani est arrivé juste avant le premier des cinq concerts et le duo s'est transformé en trio pour les dates de Cardiff et Swansea .
Catrin Finch : Quand on joue avec certains musiciens, il y a un respect mutuel qui s'installe vraiment et c'est ce qu'il s'est passé avec Seckou. On a décidé de pousser le projet plus loin et ça a abouti à l'album "Clychau Dibon" sorti à l'automne .
Comment définiriez-vous votre musique ?
S. K. : C'est difficile de mettre une étiquette là-dessus. Ce n'est pas classique, ce n'est pas world... C'est le résultat d'une expérience totale où l'on a dû aller l'un vers l'autre et chercher la ressemblance entre nos deux harpes. En fait, ce n'est pas de la musique du monde, c'est de la musique pour le monde !
C. F. : Je viens d'un monde très classique, lui d'une tradition de griot, très orale... On est tellement éloignés au départ qu'on pourrait peut-être ranger notre disque sur l'étagère "tout et n'importe quoi" ! ?
Avez-vous rencontré des difficultés à accorder vos répertoires respectifs ?
C. F. : Lorsque j'ai découvert les rythmiques que Seckou a connues toute sa vie, ça a été très difficile à assimiler. Venant d'une formation classique, j'essayais d'écrire nos compositions mais ça n'avait aucun sens, c'est quelque chose qui se ressent. C'est en jouant qu'on a compris qu'il y avait de nombreuses structures communes .
S. K. : Il y a en fait beaucoup de passerelles entre les mélodies galloises des XVe et XVIe siècles et la musique traditionnelle du Sénégal, de la Gambie et du Mali qui datent à peu près de la même époque. Elles se "parlent". Ça a pris peu d'efforts à marier. D'autre part, Catrin est une incroyable joueuse de harpe, elle a réussi à complètement se déconnecter de sa formation. Pour l'un comme pour l'autre il s'agissait tout simplement d'élargir nos horizons .
Quel a été votre mode de fonctionnement ?
S. K. : Au départ, je suis venu avec mes compositions et quelques morceaux traditionnels, car il fallait trouver des ressemblances entre les deux harpes. Après des recherches sur Llio Rhydderch, avec qui j'avais partagé une tournée en 2002, on a retrouvé un air qu'on a repris, en y ajoutant nos idées ; c'est devenu "Les bras de mer". Il y a aussi "Robert Ap Huw meets Nialing Sonko", qui vient du mélange de deux morceaux traditionnels qui se jouent avec les mêmes notes. Je n'ai rien changé sauf le tempo. Ces deux morceaux parlaient "la même langue". Ça nous a trop excités, on s'est dit : "Woaw comment se fait-il que ça se passe comme ça ?" En fait, le travail avait déjà été fait par nos ancêtres !"
C. F. : Après deux ans à travailler ensemble, on se pousse plus l'un l'autre. Le processus de création change. Au départ il fallait poser des bases. Aujourd'hui on est plus créatifs, on comprend mieux ce que peuvent faire nos instruments. Pendant les balances, par exemple, on arrive avec des petites idées. On sort vite nos smartphones pour ne pas les oublier mais là on arrive à tout un catalogue prêt à être enregistré !
Il y aura donc une suite à Clychau Dibon ?
C. F. : Peut-être ! On ne sait pas encore, mais pour l'instant notre premier album est toujours "en vie". On ne va pas prendre une décision trop rapide mais on le souhaite .
S. K. : On a déjà fait une trentaine de dates ensemble, il nous en reste une vingtaine et, autour de février 2015, on devrait sortir nos projets personnels. On est prêts pour un nouveau projet commun mais le temps ne nous le permet pas pour l'instant, on doit d'abord retrouver nos sources .
Seckou has released a video for Kouma, a track from his excellent CD "Miro" ahead of its full release in France.
Click to watch the video. Appropriately, since the song is about communication and interpretation/misinterpretation, it is also one of the few videos that features signalling for hard of hearing viewers (something Seckou was very insistent should be included).
A translation of the song reads
Please tell him. Tell him not to misinterpret my words.
I'm talking to those who listen carefully.
A mentor gives advice; a griot sings his truth.
Someone who speaks likes his words but must remember that those words will be repeated many times.
Please tell him not to misunderstand what I am trying to say.
Please do not destroy their meaning.
A griot will choose they words carefully;
I send my words to you but you will try to hear what I am not saying.
I know you are clever but that not my intention .Do not read between the lines or choose what you want to hear.
A trouser with only one leg full of words will fall over. You must get the other side of the argument and fill the other leg.
We have two ears two eyes. But one mouth
Listen with Both ears, watch with both eyes but speak only once
When you say something, be careful and make sure you only have to say it once.
For goodness sake let's not re-interpret the truth. Don't make it up.
Sometimes words have different meanings so be careful that you understand correctly.
It is not always easy to see the good in someone and what they do until much later.
Don't make me say something I didn't say or suggest I did something I didn't do
You might not fully understand what I am saying now. So wait until you do before you speak
Seckou released a video for Senegalese TV which was played on all the 5 main channels over the election weekend and continues to pick up plenty of interest.The lyric of Rewmi appeals for peace and unity to tackle together the problems facing us all and demands we take responsibility as individuals, families, communities, governments and corporations. We may think we are clean but we should think again and wash our hands.
Toto La Momposina has taken part in a video for the excellent Playing For Change, featuring over 75 musicians across Colombia.. Playing for Change is a multimedia movement created to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music. The idea for this project arose from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. You can find out more at
★★★★ the Scotsman
AKA trio Antonio Forcione, Seckou Keita , Adriano Adewale
Performing at the Assembly main Hall - 14-19 Aug Edinburgh Fest
Saturday September 10th, 2011 11:05
ThreeWeeks - ED2011 Music Review: Antonio Forcione
There are no words to describe the greatness of this show. In the most epic trio of musical perfection I have ever come across, acoustic guitarist Antonio Forcione is joined by Seckou Keita on the kora and percussionist Adriano Adewale. Not only are the performers' musical abilities mind-blowing, but the passion and genuine joy of playing for others brilliantly shines on their faces and temporarily blinds you, so that, in the extremely rare occurrence that they make a mistake, you'll be none the wiser. Every single audience member was mesmerised by this performance; it is easily one of the best shows I have ever seen, in and out of the Fringe. It would be tragic to miss this.
Antonio Forcione: "A major international guitar virtuoso ...Remarkable personal magnetism" JAZZFM -
Seckou Keita: "The Hendrix of the Kora" MUSIC NEWS -
Adriano Adewale: "A whole percussion orchestra by himself" British Theatre Guide -
★★★★ AKA Trio review from the Scotsman
Assembling a collective of international musical ideas, these three musical masters have beautifully captured a concoction of world music. Each equally skilled with a supreme knowledge of music, Forcione, Keita and Adewale allow their intricate fast running melodies to weave together and drive the music forward in a beautiful chase. Audiences are guaranteed a powerful and dynamic show of wit, personality and musical virtuosity.
By Jim Gilchrist
Published: 18/8/2011
Asere were pleased to be invited by Musicport and Music4U to work with students from Headlands school in Bridlington for three days and perform with them at the festival. Catch a glimpse with the film footage and photos here
"Latinoamérica" the Latin Grammy nominated new single features guest vocals from Toto La Momposina and finds Calle 13 Capturing The Faces And Inner Soul of a Hemisphere. The video has been posted online and has already had over 2.5 million hits in 12 days.
Calle 13 calls for solidarity across the Americas in “Latinoamérica,” which features three tradition-stretching guest singers — Susana Baca from Peru, Totó la Momposina from Colombia and Maria Rita from Brazil — over a hybrid Andean rhythm, with Mr. Pérez rapping, “I am Latin America, a land with no legs that still walks.” – NEW YORK TIMES
"Latinoamérica is the most important song we have done, documenting what we were, what we are and what it means to be Latin American. I think that strengthens our identity and helps us to remember and never forget.” - Rene “Residente” Perez
Antonio Forcione - Seckou Keita- Adriano Adewale When three world-renowned virtuosos unite, everyone has something to say.
Multi award winning acoustic guitarist Antonio Forcione from Italy, Senegalese griot kora player Seckou Keita and Brazilian percussionist Adriano Adewale will be performing together at this year’s Edinburgh festival as ‘Aka Trio.’ These three phenomenal, dynamic musicians are not just top of their game but the front men of their own bands too. Performing five shows only, this is a concert not to be missed.
“We’re ping-ponging each other basically, we’re teasing each other with music, it’s like a roller coaster”
Assembling a collective of international musical ideas, the musical masters have beautifully captured a concoction of world music. Each equally skilled with a supreme knowledge of music, Forcione, Keita and Adewale allow their intricate fast running melodies to weave together and drive the music forward in a beautiful chase. Audiences are guaranteed a powerful and dynamic show of wit, personality and musical virtuosity.
A new video has been released of Justin Adams talking about his collaboration with Adan Pedroso which has culminated in a new EP digital release called Tu Secreto set for later this summer. In the video, shot at Justin's home studio, he talks about how he became involved and what he feels he brought to the project.
We have just released a new video of Adan Pedroso with Justin Adams as a taster for a new release from Adan. It was recorded live as Adan, Justin and Camilo were recording demos last year.
The new material will be released for download on itunes and all the main stores very soon.
Three more videos have been released on YouTube from Asere's performance at the Nuits Du Sud festival in Vence, France last year. Please click on the links to take a look and please comment on our YouTube pages.
We have uploaded a video of Asere playing Psicologia at this year's Nuits De Sud festival in the south of France. Enjoy and please feel free to let us know what you think!
Recorded during their March 2010 tour of Europe, this was on "Vrije Geluiden" and features Carlos demonstrating the harp and full versions of Cimarroneando and San Rafael.
Asere have made a short film in Havana about their lives, music and the new album Junio Groove. Have a look and tell us what you think. They also have a new Myspace page. Go to and leave them a message!